When an icestorm causes damages to an area, hundreds sometimes thousands of homes are damaged at one time. Although we never want to see damage happen, we cannot stop Mother Nature. When natural disasters occur roofer’s phones are ringing off the hook with new and existing customers begging for help. They all need new roofs or repairs, and expect you to be there yesterday.
As a roofing company you have only the staff available for your regular business flow. You can hire more installers to help fill the demand, but that takes time. Temporary Repair can help you get your customer’s homes waterproofed while securing your leads. In reality, you do not have the time and resources to tarp all the roofs that need tarped, but if you cannot get out there to service those customers you risk having another roofing company do it and get the reroof job.
Temporary Repair can be sent on your roofing companies’ behalf. We make sure to let the customer know that we were sent by your roofing company. Calling Temporary Repair for your client shows them you cared enough to respond to their needs and send the best in tarping. Temporary Repair is fully licensed and insured, we wear safety harnesses on every job, hire military veterans, and use our custom made tarps and strips.
Our crews photograph the damage so the customer can forward these images to their insurance adjuster to expedite the claims process. After the customer’s home has a tarp, they are patient to wait for your salesperson to come out and meet with them about the reroof process. Temporary Repair crews let them know we work with you, and they can expect an appointment soon with your representative.
Bottom line this allows your staff to be doing what they do best, roofing. This partnership can expand your profits by making sure you are not losing potential customers and freeing time to complete more roofing jobs. You are not sending a competitor out, all we do is tarping, and we do it right. Please call our account manager Tara Munoz at 855-483-6773 x 707 to discuss how we can help you and our referral commission schedules.
Let Temporary Repair help with roof tarp calls so you as roofers can spend your time roofing.